Destination Unknown

To sit with. To hold.

The hardest of all in a life full of running

Running a business.

Running a family.

Running away from family.

From home. From the need for a home. 

A people. A group. A friend.

Running from the longing.

To hope. To feel. To belong.

So where are we running?

“There’s no time for that!”

“I’ll sit with it later” 

“To deal with some day, not right now”

“Don’t you know? I’m so busy”

“Got no time, we must go!”

Yes, but where..?

“I think I know who I am” 

I utter with heaviness

“But not where I am

 — does that make sense?”

I’ve lost my a-where-ness.

My place is all this.

When value is sold, or value is told.

When it is withheld,

Or dangled in front like a carrot, 

But visibly rotten and too spoiled to hold.

How do you go on? What proof have you got?

Where is your Science? Your dogma, your Saint?

The King as no clothes! He’s sold them for more.

More business. More profit. More money. More fame.

More power. More muscle. More spirit. More gain.

And yet he needs me. 

The King of all Kings, he needs me!? 

Yes! Now, more than ever before.

To tell him he’s pretty. To tell him he’s brave.

To thank him, for all those big sacrifices that he has made.

All the battles he fought, and the rivers he crossed!

All for you. All for more.

But why me? What have I got?

Of value. Of essence.

Of profit. Of gain.

To a King of all Kings

An influencer — of minds

A hoarder of 💕s

A follow for follow?

Are we not fellow men?

“No, I don’t follow back”

“Our band won’t do that.”

“You know, it’s not good for the brand.”

I reach in my pocket and pull out a key.

“Yes, that it!” he exclaims “That’s one!”


Is engrained cross the top

“Cross your heart!” he demands

“That each drop fills my cup”

“And when it is full…”

“I will give you a sip!”

“Later, not now,”

“It takes time.”

“Get your marketing right.”

Victimhood sells. Unity smells.

Blasphemy? Probably, 

I wouldn’t be able to tell.

For if value is taken, from none other than you,

Then you’re no real scientist — are you?

A Pharisee, blind to a miracle’s path

It’s through not because.

In relation to other

Not God-fearing and lost.

You await the Messiah,

On Twitter, no X

Scratch that, forget it

The meaning is lost,

If all that you are doing is ticking a box.

When words are our weapons

And weapons are gain

 — financial, political

It’s all good for business,

God bless USA!

So what does it mean?

To sit with, to hold.

To value each moment,

And watch it unfold.

And have you the courage?

To face what comes up

The evil, the vain

Consumer banality — slain

It was you all along!

And now we pay the price…

The ultimate joke,

But you’re not laughing twice.

You’ve heard this before,

It’s your identity score

3 points for suffering

Their pain’s got more views!

Trial by comment

Your silence — abuse!

So how do you sit with

All this in your heart

When everyone’s running

To tear it apart.

I haven’t an answer.

I wish that I had.

But maybe stop fucking running,

And just let yourself — be sad.



Creative Cycles In Life