First World, Singular

Fury of a single mother never without love but her kids don't feel it when their world is colourful plastic and ketchup. When temper meets tampon you know it begs reckoning though for now woman, know you're amazing. Yeah you get those kids to sit down and stay put while you go exchange your daughter's toy for the one she wants, the one that's for girls. And the boy, he's clever, he'll play with the girly one, and when he gets told that this one is for girls, he replies with delicate conviction that no it's not, it's for everyone. And he eats his fries one at a time, while she throws her fries onto the ground, fistfuls at a time. Finally the proper toy falls into her hand without having paid her 'thank you', and the boy obliges her in play if only to calm her down. Bliss comes in waves of all sizes, this time a glimpse of mere seconds and here you are ever ready with your camera to capture these moments because you are mother, opportunist guardian fox. Armed with credit card, smartphone, and selfie-stick I see those pictures of your parents as you scroll through while your kids play, and I know you can't wait to tell them you guys are doing good. You hiss and bark in wild tongues that aren't mine. And your children's conception of the world is limited to their classroom vocabulary. My dad too, brought my sister and I here as children - it all brings me back. I want to tell you so much of life in this city, but by the heft of your snow boots and the bags under your eyes, I know I would be redundant. Yet, in a brief moment where your eyes meet mine, I beam up and smile : welcome to the first world, where McDonalds is always here for you.

Philippe Kwon - 19/12/22


I dreamt of my Nani in a vast meadow

