Weekly Live Music Series

Each week Tonality features unique local talent that weaves together the immaculate tapestry of this city @ Alternity.

The strong and beautiful voices ringing out into a world of chaos. A world overcome with anger, fear, division, war, terror, darkness, opposition at all costs. And yet, through all this they continue to create, to play, to channel their energies into love with every single note, shaping the reality we all wish to inhabit. Bringing with them a sense of community, of belonging, of witnessing and being witnessed. Celebrating the diversity and the immense power of creativity in the most challenging of times.

This event is an introspective Canadian hibernation time alternative. A way to spend your Saturday night in meaningful conversation, in free movement and in community. The hope is create a space for dialogue, to create space that will allow us to process the immense weight of world events we are attempting to grapple with, never for a second leaving the demands of the immediate local reality we all find ourselves in.

Non-alcoholic drinks. Incredible live music and a little cozy nook for collaging if you are feeling less social, but want to be in the warm presence of others.

Tune in towards the Other. Tune into each other. Tune into your highest self.

Understand your underlying tonality by understanding the tonality of others, their struggles, their pain, their love, their hopes and their aspirations.


Pom Fam Jam (Event)


Minimal Liminal Techno (Event)