The mind at the speed of body

I focused most of my 20s on self-therapy. To understand myself better through my work, through yoga, exchanges with kindred spirits... and of course, drugs. Never one for frivolous drug use, however, I did them mostly alone, and with intention. Celebrating my 10+ year anniversary with psychedelics, here I share with you something I wrote when I was 21 while coming down from LSD. 

Please consume responsibly.

Comedown from drug use is less a lesson in falling from grace, but the necessary incubation to clarity - The body cocoons, refusing sleep, fighting hydration despite drought, and rejecting nutrients; the senses overwhelmed to banal retardation, and the mind hardened into jaded omniscience. The latter of which helps climb and retreat to higher thought, the culmination of all formerly suppressed oozing, dripping hot mercury from our brains.  

This, the body is not ready for. Thus we pay greatly in odours and lifespan through decay. A peek into our greater self, but every shortcut demands a toll, and we know we could achieve higher, stretch longer, capture yet never release. Oh this we know. Can we say no to knowing? For, the point to every point is not to clarity, per se, but to submit to pointlessness in all encompassing embrace.  

This, not many are ready for; can induce depression and psychosis. It is these contradictions that hold us sane, otherwise humanity would cannibalize incoherently. First with inward hate steaming, then with cathartic destruction (to no satisfaction), followed by an overindulging in resources that we forget is for everyone. There is God in everyone, but we do not believe in each other. The expectation of perfection is to admit insecurities, ones that we know hauntingly too well. But far from being perfect, we must aspire beyond tolerance and embrace the darkness as accordingly the darkness follows us.  

This, the world is not ready for. Negativity does not mean negativity! All that which come our way is a gift and the final judgment lies in how we dismiss them. What we say is who we are. What we do is who we are. What we eat is who we are. It has been said that the normal seek to control their lives, while the genius seek to escape their lives. Drugs with maturity – to purposefully explore the epic spectrum.  

This we believe to be ready for. 

How devastatingly orgasmic.  




Saying Goodbye


The Fool