Human Nature

by Jonathan Samuels

Human nature 

More like humans and nature 

I honestly think the creator had it wrong giving humans two sides to a brain 

All we’ve done, is made heaven on earth a living hell 

all while being the catalyst and orchestrators of their own doom

irresponsible, whinny babies, “gimme more so I can choke on my greed”

They survive unlike animals in the wild

If we’re surviving why haven’t we realized we’re doing it wrong. 

Why are we still pointing fingers and repeating history. 

Why do I feel like this surviving act is detrimental, damned if I do damned if I don’t 

 to not survive means to suffer by my own hands 

To suffer in the human existence means to be left alone 

To be unloved in self anger with the idea that the world is against you and that nothing done can change that 

I wait silently, an injured deer, for nature to heal my wounds or to take my last breath. There is no point in fighting life’s inevitable end. I graze the green shrub in my final days, knowing that my new purpose will follow me into the after. 

A volumed story that will travel from organism to organism and that’s just it, what am I here for? To do just that, or are you lost 

Keep up, don’t forget I’m on the brink of death, which slowly creeps up on me like a snake in tall grass like the dragon that will devour me in my weakest hour, is this what the creator had in store for me?

I should have been human / I should have been born an animal 

I wish to walk with the herd that yearns to be together, graze together where everyone gets a fair share, procreate to escape extinction, evolve into great beasts of the land 

But I am only human, just a human who suffers and survives in the animal world. 

Nature on the other hand is surviving 

Surviving the changes and turmoil 

That I put it through 

August, 2022
Jonathan Samuels


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